US Tax Practical Preparation Courses


US Tax Individual Theory

  • Preliminary work to prepare tax returns
  • Use of prior years’ returns for comparison
  • Residency status and/or -Filing requirements and due date -Taxpayer filing status
  • Sources of worldwide taxable and non-taxable income (e.g., interest, wages, business, sales of property, dividends, rental income, flow-through entities, alimony received)
  • Sources of applicable Adjustments, Benefits Credits, deductions, Exemptions.
  • Advising the Individual Taxpayer-Advantages and disadvantages of MFJ/MFS/HOH filing statuses in various scenarios (e.g., joint and several liability)

US Tax Individual Practical’s

  • (All Forms related to 1040(Form 1040,1040NR,1040SR,1040X) Schedules(A,B,C,D,E,F)
  • Knowledge Hub Team support
  • Community forum
  • Hangouts with EA’s and CPA’s
  • Podcast with Industry Experts and SME’s
  • Multiple Case studies and Solutions


US Tax Business Theory

    Business Entities

  • Sole proprietorships
  • Partnerships and qualified joint ventures (QJV)
  • Corporations
  • S corporations
  • LLCs
  • Advising the business taxpayer

  • Record-keeping requirements (e. g., mileage log, accountable plans) -Selection of business entity (e. g., benefits and detriments)
  • Life cycle of the business (e. g., formation, dissolution)
  • Deductions and credits for tax planning


US Tax Business Practical’s

  • All Forms related to Sole prop Form 1040(Sch C)
  • S-Corp(1120S),C-corp(1120)
  • Revocable living trust (RLT’s)Trust 1041)
  • LLC filing
  • 30 Tax Avoidance Tips and Tricks
  • Knowledge Hub Team support
  • community forum
  • Hangouts with EA’s and CPA’s
  • Podcast with Industry Experts and SME’s
  • Multiple Case studies and Solutions